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Scottish Rugby Clubs & Schools Communications: 06 February 2024

Scottish Rugby Clubs & Schools Communications: 06 February 2024

Stephanie Craig7 Feb - 11:03
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This week's Club Communications from SRU, click here to read more.

In this week's Club Communications we bring you important information on upcoming courses including our brand-new SCRUMCAPS Level 1 and Director of Rugby course. We also bring reminders on applying to become a Papa Johns Tartan Touch hub and sign-up information for Saltire Energy Rugby Schools Week. You'll also find calls to action for Stage 2 of our Schools & Youth NCR consultation and nominations for the PDH programme.

SCRUMCAPS Level 1 First Aid Course now live - sign up!
In a move to continue promoting player welfare standards in the domestic game, Scottish Rugby is launching SCRUMCAPS (Scottish Rugby Union Medical Cardiac and Pitchside Skills) Level 1 First Aid course.

This new course has been designed by Scottish Rugby’s Welfare Manager, Dr Karen Barclay and Scottish Rugby’s wider medical team.

The SCRUMCAPS Level 1 course, which is a key milestone of Scottish Rugby’s Player Welfare Action Plan, aims to enable volunteers to transition seamlessly from First Responder to delivering First Aid care in the case of an emergency in a rugby environment.

Scottish Rugby previously delivered introductory training utilising World Rugby’s First Aid in Rugby (FAIR) material. The new SCRUMCAPS Level 1 curriculum has been mapped out to match that of FAIR but has been adapted to provide bespoke education suited to the Scottish rugby landscape.

The course boasts a streamlined 10-hour curriculum, blending online and in-person modules to provide learners with a condensed yet thorough learning experience, equipping them with potentially life-saving skills in the event of an emergency.

The first of the course modules are now available via SCRUMS and learners can also use the platform to sign up to the in-person sessions.

Log into SCRUMS and click 'Browse Courses' on the left-hand side.
For more information click here.

Director of Rugby course 2024 - apply now
The 2024 Director of Rugby course application process is now open.

The purpose of this course is to support Directors of Rugby to be effective leaders within their clubs. The two day residential course will help DoR's to meet the below key objectives:

  • Develop role clarity on an individual basis;
  • Share good practice examples and practical solutions to day-to-day challenges;
  • To help DoR’s create an action plan for their role;
  • Develop DoR’s understanding of key strategy priorities within Scottish Rugby, e.g., Women and Girls Rugby, Inclusion and Diversity.

The course will use a ‘problem-based learning’ approach underpinned by critical reflective practical and peer feedback to achieve the key objectives. Please note – There are limited places available on the course.

Applications will be assessed after the closing date against suitability for the course, with priority being given to those Directors of Rugby who have not attended a course before. Scottish Rugby will be in touch with all applicants in March to notify them of the result of their application.

Further information can be found via the link below. If any of your club or school DORs would like to attend, please ask them to apply via SCRUMS.

The application deadline is 1 March 2024.

Click here for more information.

Sign up to Saltire Energy Rugby Schools Week 2024!
Saltire Energy Rugby Schools Week returns on Monday 18 March!

Click on the link here to complete our registration form.

Ahead of the week-long activity, Scottish Rugby will be providing refreshed and enhanced resources for teachers and volunteers within the school environment, plus, our network of Development Officers will engage with local schools to help plan and deliver activity throughout the week.

Whether your school currently delivers rugby, or is just starting out, Saltire Energy Rugby Schools Week is the perfect opportunity to light the rugby spark with pupils!

Schools & Youth NCRs: Stage 2 Consultation
Comments and suggestions are invited in respect of potential changes to the Schools & Youth National Competition Rules to be used during Season 2024/25.

Once approved, the updated version of these competition rules will replace the current version (which can be viewed via the link below).

In their consultation response, respondees are asked to:

  • Provide details of any change(s) being proposed (including draft wording where appropriate);
  • Indicate the reason(s) why the change is being proposed;
  • Provide the name, contact details and capacity within the game of the person/body proposing the change.

Responses should be submitted by email to no later than 12 noon on Friday 16 February 2024.

Link to 2023/2024 NCRs
Link to Consultation

Make a nomination to the Player Development Hub programme
Nominations for this year's Player Development Hub programme are now live.

The Player Development Hub programme will provide additional training and playing opportunities for nominated U15 boys and girls.

Nominated players will take part in a series of training sessions and festivals throughout April and May (dates tbc) at venues throughout Scotland.

Nominations can be made only by coaches who are registered on the SCRUMS system as of Monday 22 January 2024. Registered coaches on SCRUMS can then nominate players by clicking ‘PDH Nominations’ on the SCRUMS left hand menu.

To find out more about the programme, its aims and the nomination criteria, please review the document linked here. You can also watch a webinar with information on this year's programme, again, linked here.

Nominations close Sunday 18 February 2024.

Further reading